What's funny, is that I signed up for this blog in 2007....so it only took me 3 years to get started, bite me.
So maybe I am jumping on the "blogging bandwagon", but honestly, it's a continuation. I blogged ALOT on Myspace. The format over there is set up better for blogging than Facebook, so I took a sabbatical while life happened. Life that I probably should have blogged about, to get it off my chest instead of bottling up and stressing out, but alas, I now have anger to write about. Everyone LOVES anger. Okay, maybe not so much anger, but hey, I have issues, and who don't love issues.
So, where do I begin after my so-called sabbatical? Well, considering the time and date, let's start with New Years Resolutions.
I am not a fan of resolutions, because they make most people feel like a failure. I think there's enough on the human psyche to enhance that feeling, so the addition of failed resolutions really isn't necessary. But, I'm game. I think if they are written down, I should be able to hold myself to them, as a constant reminder that I need to better myself, body, mind and soul.
#1: Weight Loss. In my 35 years of life, it is my #1 issue. I'm a chubby, will probably always be a chubby, but hey, that's okay. I just don't want to be Gilbert Grapes mom. (A recurring nightmare). I plan to find what's keeping my weight from coming off, and getting healthier.
#2 Finances. A six plus month of unemployment, and a current job that barely makes ends meet (a job that I am grateful for, and see advancement in), is making life real interesting right now. There's lots of changes in store for our family, but only for the better. There's a billboard locally that says "Life has a reset button" . Well we're considering pushing that.
#3 Marriage. I've been with Eddie 10 years this year. 10 whole years. Yeah, we may be possibly getting a little too comfortable with each other, and I want to change that.
#4 Family. I have the coolest kid, IMHO. But I also have cool cousins, aunts and uncles that have been absent in my life. I am currently bridging that gap. (Tobin Bridge LMAO).
#5. Mind and Soul. I consider the weight loss body, but enhancing my mind and soul will be a challenge. I do not take time for myself. I do not just call a friend and say "Let's go do some outlet shopping". I don't take the time to have a hobby. I don't take the time to pamper myself. I want to change that. I want to reconnect with friends, new & old. I want to prove life doesn't stop after children.
#6. Organization. I need to organize this Condo. I may be stuck here for a while, and I need to make it work for our family. IKEA may be a solution, but while I downsize, it could be interesting.
#7. Stop sweating the small stuff. Honestly, someone don't like me.... it's there loss. :)
That's it in a nutshell. This will be my journey. I'm interested in seeing where this road will take me, and hope you enjoy the roller coaster ride that is my life.